About Us


Acton Boxborough

Science Technology Engineering Art Math

Making Science Fun!

We host + sponsor FREE K-12 STEAM educational events, encourage parent participation and welcome volunteers in Acton + Boxborough, Massachusetts. 

formerly AB Parent Involvement Project STEM


In 2024, we transitioned from AB PIP STEM to AB STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).

Since 2001, AB PIP STEM has hosted and sponsored FREE Science, Technology, Engineering and Math educational events for grades K through 12.  We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas for STEM events from students and parents. Contact us at actonpip@gmail.com. Below is the current roster of events:

AB PIP STEM Event Timeline

In addition to these events, we sponsor one-time activities, yearly fundraisers, and annual scholarships for AB student volunteers. Below are the highlights. 

AB PIP STEM Highlights Timeline

2024-2025 Steering Committee

Chair: Susri Anuradha

VP: Dawn Peterson 

Founder + Coach: KJ Herther 

Communications Secretary: Aasma Gilani

Treasurer: Megha Patil

Webmaster: Janice M Ward

Student Leaders: Email to learn more. Talk to us!

2015 End of Year Lunch

2015 AB PIP STEM End of Year Lunch



In 2000, Acton-Boxborough PIP received a multi-year grant from the Massachusetts Department of Education (DOE) as part of the Statewide Parent Involvement Program (PIP). Although funding ended, the PIP coalition continued.


The mission of Acton-Boxborough PIP STEM is to provide and promote:


After receiving DOE and NSF grants to create math and science kits supporting MST (Math Science Technology) education, PIP evolved into an organization hosting STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) educational events including Market Math, Star Parties and Science Fairs. Eventually STEM turned to STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math), and now AB PIP STEM sponsors a variety of events for students K through 12 and their parents. AB PIP STEM also offers volunteer and scholarship opportunities for older students.

Chairs and Co-chairs

Other interim co-chairs include: Debbi Chu, Debbie Clough, Lorrie Jacobsohn, Carly Krakoff, Claire Picard + Latha Swaroop

Karen Herther spearheaded the PIP initiative. She won the Stellar Service by a Volunteer Award for the AB Parent Involvement Project from the Massachusetts Middlesex Chamber of Commerce and the Unsung Heroine Award in 2011 from the State of Massachusetts. She remains Coach and Co-chair emerita.