Highlights from DiscoverSTEM 2019
Every few years, we host DiscoverSTEM, a reverse science fair set up like a trade show where local STEM companies exhibit the latest technologies for students in grades 7 through 12 and the community.
Students can view the exhibits or volunteer to work side-by-side with exhibitors during the Open House. Exhibitors are representatives from local STEM firms (engineers, scientists and techies) who teach the student volunteers about their products, services, ideas and inventions and share their passion for STEM. Exhibitors and students then demonstrate their knowledge. The biennial event is held from 6:00 to 8:30pm at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School and culminates in a raffle with fantastic prizes.
DiscoverSTEM could not take place without our dedicated student and adult volunteers. We encourage students in grades 7-12 to help 076a6awith planning, set up/cleanup, exhibits, logistics, registration or hospitality. Adults are needed to help with planning and operations. We welcome hospitality donations. ABRHS students can earn community service hours that can be applied toward Accept the Challenge.
AB STEAM hosts DiscoverSTEM with support from the AB Regional Schools, Discovery Museum, Middlesex West Chamber of Commerce School-to-Business Partnership Committee (SBPC) and many other generous sponsors. Past exhibitors included robotics experts, software developers, heart specialists and naturalists who represented STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).
DiscoverSTEM requires exhibitors, business sponsors and community sponsors. AB STEAM offers four levels of sponsorship: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Contributor. Our goal is to cover all event expenses and to support ongoing AB STEAM math, science and technology educational enrichment activities, including our annual STEM student leadership scholarships. Visit the Sponsors, Partners + Contributors Site.
If you, your company, or organization is interested in becoming an exhibitor or sponsor, send us an email at Near DiscoverSTEM, we will post exhibitor applications and sponsorship forms.