Star Party
Viewing the Night Sky Outdoors at the Star Party
Listening to Galileo Indoors at the Star Party
What is a Star Party?
The Star Party is an indoor and outdoor (weather dependent) astronomy event, held rain or shine for 7th graders, accompanied by an adult. At the party, participants are introduced to star gazing by a Sky&Telescope Magazine representative before joining Galileo in the gym. Galileo, played by Mike Francis, gives the evening a historical spin, then encourages the audience to join the astronomers outside to view the stars.
The winter and spring skies deliver spectacular shows from Saturn's rings to the Orion nebula to storms on Jupiter. The star gazers finish with hot cocoa, snacks, and take-home activities.
We welcome student volunteers who want to teach astronomy to younger students.
This event ties in with the AB science curriculum.
Acton Star Party Clear Sky Clock
For a star gazing forecast, click the Acton Star Party Clear Sky Clock.