
AB STEAM awards Leadership/Scholarship Awards and Service Awards to students who have enthusiastically volunteered over the years, demonstrated leadership abilities and shown passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) or STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) education. 

Leadership/Scholarship Awards go to AB seniors who have taken charge at AB STEAM events and offered substantial contributions to STEAM in the community. AB STEAM Service Awards go to AB seniors who have volunteered for more than six events during high school. 

2024 Scholarship  Winners

Congratulations to our six graduating AB seniors and AB STEAM scholarship recipients! Co-chairs Dawn Peterson and Karen Pierce with this year's grads are pictured below.

The scholarship winners and their intended universities include:

2023 Scholarship  Winners

Congratulations to our seven graduating AB seniors and AB PIP STEM scholarship recipients! 

Co-chair: Dawn Peterson (on left)
Co-chair: Karen Pierce (on right)

2022 Scholarship  Winners

2021 Scholarship  Winners

Congratulations and thanks to the following volunteers who won $250 scholarships:

2020 Scholarship  Winners

Watch the AB Scholarship Night (filmed by Acton TV). AB PIP STEM winners include: Isabella Hart (University of New Hampshire), Sanjana Krishna (Carnegie Mellon), Kirtana Krishnakumar (University College London), and Mehul Suri (University of Pennsylvania). Congratulations!

2019 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations and thanks to the following scholarship winners for volunteering: Beryl Mohanandhas, Bernice Mohanadhas, and Varsha Jawahar.

2018 Scholarship Winners

Four seniors won scholarships including: Arushi Bhalchandra, Jasper Hendrix, Shruti Nanda, and Katherine Yee.

2017 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the 2017 scholarship winners: Amrita Krishnakumar and Madhuri Raman.

2016 Scholarship Winners

2016 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

From left to right in photo: Dewi Win (AB PIP STEM Co-chair), Sarah Gao (Washington University), Sumanya Kumar (U Conn), Maya Haigis (University of Rochester), Izzy Taylor, (University of Vermont) and Rheta Roeber (AB PIP STEM Treasurer).

2015 Scholarship Winners

2015 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

Best wishes to our 2015 Scholarship winners. John Petersen presented the awards at ABRHS to William Wu (left, MIT) and Thomas Malchodi (right, Georgia Institute of Technology).

2014 Scholarship Winners

2014 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to our 2014 scholarship award winners, Stephanie Randolph (left, Boston University) and Namrita Murali (right, Carnegie Mellon). John Petersen presented the awards.

2013 Scholarship Winners

2013 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

Good luck to this year's scholarship winners including Erin McLaughlin (Penn State), Clark Jacobsohn (WPI), Prakhar Sahay (Brandeis) and Ethan Sherman (American University). In the photo, John Petersen presented the awards to Erin, Clark and Ethan at ABRHS.

2012 Scholarship Winners

2012 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to AB PIP STEM scholarship winners Alison Reip (left, Tulane) and Megan Rabideau (right, Tufts).John Petersen presented.

2011 AB STEM Scholarship Winners

2011 Leadership/Scholarship Awards

PIP Co-chairs, John Petersen (left) and Karen Herther (right) awarded scholarships to Prateek Sahay for AB Robotics, Naman Bharadwaj for AB Robotics, Jenn Kappel for Leadership/Service, and Melissa Wang for Leadership/Service.

2011 Service Awards

The following seniors received PIP Service Awards: Nick DeMello, Rosa Huang, Sunny Li, Lex Martin, Henry Neale, Gabi Walters, Jesse Ward, Julia Whyte, and Michael Wu.

2010 Scholarship Winners

Isabel Krakoff (Hamilton College) and Danni Sherman (U. Rochester) won the 2010 Leadership/Scholarship awards. 

2009 Scholarship Winners

Douglas Randolph Bentley University) and Erin Sweet (Lesley University) won the 2009 scholarships. 

2008 Scholarship Winners

Josh Crofton-McDonald of Acton (Cornell) and Jessica Hatch of Boxborough won the 2008 awards