Green Events
2024 Acton-Boxborough BioBlitz
Thanks for joining the 2024 Acton-Boxborough BioBlitz to take inventory of our local wildlife.
The Acton-Boxborough area includes more than 2,000 acres of conservation land and over 3,000 acres of private property. From cattail marshes and ponds to fields and forests, these habitats are home to snapping turtles, frogs, insects, birds and mammals. How many species can we find?
Taking observations of wildlife helps advance science. According to National Geographic, “High quality data uploaded to iNaturalist becomes part of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, an open source database used by scientists and policy makers around the world.”
This event continues our observations from the Acton-Boxborough BioBlitz as part of the City Nature Challenge Boston area in 2021. The 2024 BioBlitz is a collaboration of the Acton Conservation Trust, Green Acton, AB STEAM, Acton Men’s Outdoor Club, Energize Acton and the Boxborough Conservation Trust.
Need a head start? Check out the AB STEAM Nature Guide for native plants, animals, insects and invasives.
Acton Nature Guides are available for $10 from these local business partners:
Kitchen Outfitters in Acton Woods Plaza
Silver Unicorn Bookstore in West Acton
Pedal Power Bike & Ski on Rt 2A, Acton
Induction Cooking Demo
Try It Out!
Learn about the Science of Induction Cooking
Watch the AB STEAM Science of Induction Cooking Video on Acton TV
Reserve your portable induction cooktop kit (see below) from the "Library of Things" at the Acton Memorial Library or the Boxborough Sargent Memorial Library.
From either library, you can borrow a Zavor Induction Pro Cooktop kit. It contains a carrying case, portable Copper Chef induction cook plate, Cuisinart stainless steel 10" skillet, owner's manual, fact sheet, AB STEAM "Science of Induction Cooking" info, Fire Safety + Induction Cooking tips, and Mothers Out Front test magnet.
Thanks to our Green Event Supporters
Spring 2022
Hello AB PIP STEM Green Event Supporters!
The organizers of the AB PIP STEM Spring Green Energy Meetup + Induction Cooking Demo thank you for your contributions and all you did to make the community-building event such a success!
It was fun to see the students and Acton Boxborough community enjoying induction cooktop chocolate fondue samples and talking to electric vehicle owners! We shared so much information about green energy including the ‘Science of Induction Cooking’ and the safety of Electric Vehicles (EVs). Over a dozen EV owners came or rode green to the event in their Teslas, Bolts, Mustang Mach-Es, Toyota Priuses, Rav-4 Plug-in Hybrids + E-bikes!
Special thanks to AB PIP STEM partners + supporters including: and the Town of Acton Sustainability Department for inspiring local green actions + hosting the EV meetup to ‘Drive & Ride’ Green.
Mothers Out Front Acton for leading the induction cooktop demo (with dark chocolate fondue) + the Science of Induction Cooking video with AB Resource member Sneha on Acton TV.
The Town of Acton Recreation Department for the use of the NARA Park Outdoor Picnic Pavilion + the Acton Board of Health for the food sample permit.
The Acton Police Department + Detective Luke Penney for helping with EV meetup logistics + showing the Town of Acton’s Electric Motorcycle (generously donated to the town by local Acton business Bursaw Oil).
Acton Pedal Power owners, Joyce & John, for bringing + showcasing an E-bike.
Thanks to these generous business hospitality + event donors:
Trader Joe’s of Acton for donation of induction cooking demo chocolate fondue items + refreshments.
Eve & Murray’s, Farm to Home, in Acton for the basket of artisan snacks.
Acton Coffee House for organic fair-trade coffee refreshments.
Blackbird Café in Acton for the refreshing berry iced tea.
Kitchen Outfitters of Acton for special pricing on induction cooktop + magnet test for demo pans + donation.
Gratitude to our communication + media partners including:,, Market Dynamics, Acton TV + the Acton UPS Store.
In addition to raising the visibility of green energy, this outdoor event took the place of our annual AB FUNdraiser, and we raised nearly $500 in donations toward portable induction cooktop kits for the Acton Memorial Library + the Boxborough Sargent Memorial Library of Things, Energize Acton outreach + sustainability resources, and local food pantry items and dollars.
Karen Pierce, Dawn Peterson + Karen Herther for Green Energy + Induction Cooking Event Organizers