Sponsored Events

Green Activities

Green Activities

Physics of Driving

Physics of Driving

Science Family Night

Science Family Night

MIT Women in Engineering

Women in Engineering

AB STEAM sponsors many local eco activities including Biodiversity Events, Green Energy Fairs, a Solar Panel Project, and a Green Energy Science Meet-up to showcase Electric Vehicles (EVs) and demonstrate induction cooking. We support Earth Day on April 22 and Earth Hour on the last Saturday in March. 

Local Green Initiatives

Global Green Initiatives

AB STEAM, Acton Toyota of Littleton and Danny's Place Youth Services co-sponsor advanced driver training classes for teens or adults with Drive In Control.

When: Spring and Fall

Location: North Andover

Sign Up at: Online at


Drive In Control teaches student drivers (AB teens with a learner's permit + 10 hours experience or license) how to react to life-threatening situations behind the wheel.

Driver Training News

Every November, the AB Science Team hosts a Science Family Night. At AB STEAM, we endorse Family Science Night and encourage participation. 

At Family Science Night, high school students from the ABRHS Science, Environthon, iGEM and Resource Force Teams present fun and interactive science activities to elementary-aged students who live in Acton and Boxborough. 

Activities include electronics, biology and computer science to name a few. For example, elementary students may learn how to:

AB STEAM and Acton-Boxborough Regional High School sponsored MIT engineering workshops for 10th graders. The workshop, entitled "What is Engineering?" was led by MIT engineering students. After an overview of engineering disciplines, the presenters explained why engineering is a rewarding career and facilitated a hands-on activity.

AB STEAM offered the MIT engineering workshops through an IBM Community Volunteer Grant. The workshops, open to girls and boys, were sponsored in part by the MIT Women in Engineering (WIE) Initiative.

Science & Engineering for Girls